Why Take Piano Lessons?

We want well-rounded children, so we involve them in a lot of activities to give them a bunch of options and experiences. We should consider the skills they develop in piano lessons – other than learning to read music – when deciding if piano lessons are a good choice for your family.

  1. Playing music has been one of the biggest confidence builders of my own life, so I can confidently say that the process of learning to play the piano allows a student to experience doing something that they never thought they’d be capable of doing
  2. Learning how to play a pretty advanced piece is years in the making. When we commit to regular practice and participation, we develop a deep knowing that we can succeed at completing large or complex projects, one piece at a time. Experiencing success in small ways teaches a student that tiny wins add up to big results. They learn how to break down a problem into smaller pieces, in order to achieve larger aspirations.
  3. We take piano lessons to learn music, enjoy music, play music, and understand music. Of course it’s about making music, and having a deeper appreciation for the artistry and the skill required. Music is complex, requiring a combination of mathematic/logistical skills, physical coordination, and the ability to express an emotional story.
  4. The piano is (in my opinion) the most comprehensive instrument. It provides a musician with a combination of melodies and harmonies, an extensive range, and a linear note presentation. Pianists must read two clefs, which can help students move into playing a variety of other instruments, including accompanying themselves during vocal study or performance.
  5. Piano students gain improved hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. With piano technique, they learn how to coordinate their hands, arms, vision, hearing, voices – their whole bodies – in complex ways. As a pianist, you acquire a rich understanding of rhythm and mental/physical coordination.
  6. Being a successful piano student requires developing discipline. Their teacher and parents can help them to build structure that will support learning a new skill outside of school. Piano students learn that they are capable of great things, if they choose to dedicate some consistent time to their interests and goals.

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